HAMS-GPS  Unique Features of HAMS-GPS PSM / EHS Software Package 
LIST OF EHS softwares available

EHS-E-reading Modules

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HAZOP Software (Advanced)


QRA modeling software (Consequence risk analysis)

Air dispersion modeling software  (Air, gas, Stack gas dispersion modeling software)

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Unique Features of HAMS-GPS PSM / EHS-Software Package

  1. Our Accident Analysis Software enables you to record 24-Parameters of Accidents,

  2. Results of our Accident Analysis Software Provides the Following Results in Tabular and Graphic Forms:

  •  Our Accident Analysis Software provides the following Type of Results in Tabular and Graphic Forms which are not available in other World class Software:

  • Results cover Tabular and Graphic Forms of the following:

  • Age wise, Year wise, Month Wise: Time wise, Department wise, Body Part Injured wise: Vs. i. Nature (injury), ii. Place of Accident, iii. Type of Accident, iv. Nature of Accident, v. Count of Accidents, USA, USC, Man days Lost, Medical Cost,  and many more.

  • Frequency Vs. Severity rating,

  • Strength of Department Vs. % Accidents,

  • USAs, and USCs Vs. i. Body part injured, ii. Type of Accident, iii. Nature of Accident, iv. Recommendations,

  • Operation leading to Accidents,

  • Employees with Multiple Accidents,

  • Reportable Injuries,  

  1. Enables you to achieve 6-Sigma level of Accident Prevention, which is the highest level achievable, which is 3.4 Accidents out of one Million Near Misses.

  2. Our Advanced HAZOP Software enables you to get the following Results not available in any World Class Software on HAZOP:

  • Risk level report:

  • RBI-matrix report: Conforming to European Process Safety Centre’s Model,

  • Safety Level of the Plant : Shows how Safe is the Plant,

  • Category Wise Reports: There is option in each HAZOP Form to select the Category of Recommendation. This identifies the nature of recommendation like Documentation, Training, Soft, Hard, SOP, PMP etc. One can add more categories. The report under this category wise HAZSOP recommendations helps in understanding and implementing the recommendations.

  • SIL and (LOP): Safety Integrity Level (SIL for Safety Instrumentation System (0-3) and Levels of Protection (LOP) for Equipment safety (0-3),

  • Action by Report: Gives designations or Names of persons who are to implement the recommendations.

  • Reports can be sorted for better implementation of recommendations.

  1. Our Advanced QRA Software: Covers in a Single Software Module Preset Data Base of Chemicals with provision User added Chemicals, Scenarios as per World bank Guidelines, Dispersion, All Types of Fires, Explosions, Source/release Modeling (SMOD), Frequency Modeling, PROBITS, SIL, LOP, QRA, FN-Curve, ISO-Risk and ALARP (Adjustable to show closely related Scenarios) not available in any other World Class Software. Our software can also take component gases heavier than air Dispersion modeling we have a very advanced algorithms to locate user defined concentration, reached from the source from the time of release so no receptors or grid required.  In the DEMO version , the Chemical database has only one chemical property and for others, only a list of chemical names appear with blank properties data. Your licensed copy will have a complete chemical properties database for all the chemical listed.

  2. Our Hygiene Index Software: Conforming to ILO-Model enables Quantified Evaluation of Stresses and Resultant Strains, Relaxation available and Relaxation required and associated Occupational Diseases of over Stress including Diabetic Type=II, Musculo-Skeletal Diseases etc and Recommendations to Prevent these Occupational Diseases, Hygiene Index Analysis is a Pre-requisite for Japanese Deming’s Award and our Software has been used by one Organization to get this prestigious award in management Excellence.

  3. Limits Curve Software: Enables Dispersion Isopleth and Isoelevet distances for all Stability Classes in Tabular and Graphic forms. This is very useful in Disaster management to instantly understand the Hazard Distances along Wind Direction.

  4. Unit Conversion Software: Conversion from, one Unit measure to all other Unit Measures and in addition there are TNT-Equivalent, LEL-UEL of Mixtures, IDLH-TLV-Teel Values of Mixtures, LC50-RIC-50 of Mixtures, LC-50 for Human based on Test Animal Data available, Specific Heat of Organic Liquids, Heat of Formation, Gibb’s Energy, heat of Combustion and TNT-Equivalent, TNT-Equivalent of Peroxides (Requires special Formula), Renold Number, Vapour Density of Liquids at any given Temperature etc.

  5. PROBIT Software Module: Gives PROBIT values of Plumes, Puffs and Spill Pool Evaporations of any Hazardous Chemical.

  6. Fire Load Software: Provides Fore Load in CGS and FPS Units for any Flammable Substance.

  7. EMP, EMS, OHSMS, Safety Audit, safety manual etc. Review Software : Enable Reveal Shortcomings of a St Study Reports in conformity with Global Standards,

  8. Our 5-Star House Keeping Model: Conforms to Japanese 5-Star House Keeping Model,

  9. Our safety Audit Software: In contrast to the normal Qualitative  Study in any Safety Audit, our Advanced Safety Audit Software enables Quantified Evaluation of the following Types of safety Audit:

  • Walk through OHS-Check or OHS-Tour:   Daily check unscheduled for visible signs of abnormalities,

  • OHS Inspections : Scheduled say weekly by departmental team may be in association wither a rep. From other dept,

  • OHS-Sampling: Say once a month. A Random Sampling of OHS aspects for all departments,

  • Internal full OHS-Audit: Say once in 3 to 6-months,

  • External OHS-Audit: Statutory once a year.

  1. Our safety Audit also Enables Following Dedicated Software for Quantification of OHSMS:  

  • SWOT Analysis,

  • Standard Safety Performance rating: Conforming to Chemical Industries Assn. Model, UK,

  • EMP-Review,

  • 5-Star House Keeping Evaluation: Conforming to Japanese 5-Star Model,

  • OHSMS-Review: Conforming to OHSAS-18001,

  • Accident Analysis: as elaborated under 3-above,

  • Fire Analysis, Break Down Analysis:

  • Medical record Analysis: Showing Occupational Chronic effect trends, Health information like Obesity, Body mass Index, Cardiac History, Blood Groups etc in Tabular and Graphic Forms,

  • RBI-matrix: Conforming to European Process Safety Center’s Model,

  • FMECA-Analysis: Showing MTBF, Risk severity, RPN Number,

  • Hazard Analysis (HAZAN) of all Systems and Employees

  • DOW-Index Analysis:

15. Safety of machinery and Risk assessment as per ISO/TR14121-2 Second edition 2012-06-01 accordance with ISO 12100:2010

  • Machinery risk assessment is to locate and identify hazards, estimate and evaluate risks that may be reduced as much as possible.

HAMS-GPS EHS Software have been developed based on the internationally accepted Mathematical models as given in the following references:  

  1. "World Bank Technical Paper-55, Techniques for Assessing Industrial Hazards"
  2. "Chemical Process Quantitative Risk Analysis", American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Center for Chemical Process Safety.
  3. "Chemical Process Safety Fundamentals  with Applications".  By  Daniel A. Crowl &  Joseph  F. Louvar
  4. "Process  Safety  Analysis-An   introduction, by  Bob Skeleton.
  5. Major Industrial Hazards. By John Withers.
  6. Process Safety Fundamentals.   By Frank P. Lees.
  7. Guide lines for  Process Equipment  Reliability data  with  data  Tables.  By American   institute of chemical engineers.
  8. Specific rules, regulations and guidelines on Seismic studies and oil/gas exploration.
  9. International Standards/codes of practices of on storage and handling of relevant Petroleum Products and other bulk hazardous chemicals involved that have potential for major hazard scenario development.   
  10. Health & Safety Executive (HSE)- UK
  11. Meteorological data for the specific site is obtained from Internet.
  12. Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion" By Author Milton R. Beychok
  13. "Manual of Emergency Preparedness for Chemical Hazards",


Advantages of advanced HAMS-GPS Software Package

Standard HAMS-GPS Software Package

Advanced Package is a single module taking you from Input Data to Final QRA-Results without any data transfer!

The standard package that has several software requiring Manual data transfer from one module to another.

Advanced Package is extremely user friendly and does not need advanced knowledge of QRA

The Standard Package requires advanced knowledge of HSE and QRA.

The Advanced Package enables in a single stretch of button clicks all simulations from Chemical Storages and Properties through Scenario Development, SMOD, Scenario Simulations for all types of Dispersions, Fires, Explosions leading to Risk Assessment results including FAR, FN-Relation, ISO-Risk and ALARP in one go.

The standard module requires multiple manual data entry and multiple simulations for each module separately, resulting in lot of Manual Unit conversion of Data from one Simulation in to a different Unit for another Module and so on.

The Advanced Package Enables scale plotting of all Graphic outputs on Auto Cad Files using bulit in screen capture, on Graphic Files and also on Blank sheets as per user defined scale and Wind orientation.

The standard package does not have this scale plotting facility. It gives fixed scale graphs in vertical position only, with no reference to wind direction

The Advanced Package under Risk Assessment option includes built in computation of Risk based Investigation (RBI) Matrix.

RBI-matrix is available in Standard package only as a separate module and has to be run after manual data entry by taking the data from other simulations only.

The Advanced Package ALARP diagram has Scale adjustment facility so you can see each scenario distinctly from other closely positioned scenarios, a facility unique for any ALAP Software available.

The Standard ALARP Module gives a fixed scale ALARP and closely falling scenarios all get overlapped making difficult to read.

The Advanced Package is specially designed for  EHS-Research and EHS-management.

The Standard Package is specially designed for EHS-Research work



Netherlands QRA Method Vs. HAMSAGARS  HAMS-GPS QRA Method    

Netherlands QRA Methods


1.The ‘Red Book’, describing the methods for determining and processing probabilities, is to be used to derive scenarios leading to a loss of containment event [CPR12E].   

2.The. ‘Yellow Book’ describes the models to determine the outflow and dispersion of dangerous substances in the environment [CPR14, CPR14E], and finally,   

3.The ‘Green Book’ describes the impact on humans of exposure to toxic substances, heat radiation and overpressure [CPR16].

1. Has Provision for determining Scenarios and Probabilities of failures leading to Containment Loss as per Math. Models Prescribed by World Bank Guidelines and EPA Requirements. Also allows for User Defined Failure Probabilities as given in your Guidelines Para 3.A.2 on Failure Data.

2. Has Provisions for Source Modeling including: Gas/Liquid for any density Flow through pipe, through hole, Flashing Liquids, Pool evaporations due to substrate heat transfer (Rapid-1-min.), heat conduction and wind.  

3.PROBIT Modeling: Probability Units for computing percent and Absolute fatality and injury for Dispersions under Stability Classes , Fires (Jet, Flash, Pool) and Explosions (UCVC, CVC, BLEVE, Dust) as per your Guideline Para-4.8. and para-5   

Exclusion of particular substances

Excludes all Non-hazardous (Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable, Non-Explosive) substances and covers only those classified as Hazardous under UN-Classification of Hazardous Substances.

The Selection Method  

Allows only Maximum Credible Loss Scenarios (MCLS or Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios (MCAS) as per Scenarios as per World Bank Technical Paper-55.

Definition of installations in an establishment.  

Definitions of Each Installation Is carried out based on Database of all Hazardous Chemicals and Quantities Stored and Type of Storage in each Installation and MCLS/MCAS Scenarios Developed

Loss of Containment Events (LOC)

Allows for Selection of LOC Events based on all Conditions given in your Guidelines for all Types of Storages and Piping systems. Inclusions of LOCs shall be only for those having equal to or Greater than 10-8  Probability and 1% Lethal Damage occurs outside Facility Boundary and along Transport Route.

Release inside a Building

Procedure given in your Guidelines Para-4.6.3 shall be followed

Fires and plume rise

Our Software takes in to account

Probability of Ignition  

Our Software has Built in computation of Probability of Immediate, Delayed Onsite and Offsite Ignition and also allows user defined values as required and shall use the values given under Para-4.7 and Appendix-4A of your Guidelines.

Substances both toxic and flammable  

Our Software Allows for Without Ignition (Only Toxic Effects) and with Ignition (Fires and explosions) Scenarios as per your Para-4.7.3.

Meteorological data  

Our Software Allows for use of Pasquill-Gifford Models: A, AB, B, BC, C, CD, D, DE, E, EF, F and Uncertain (UC)

Repression Systems  

Our Software provides Recommendations for all requisite Repression Systems required for containing/Minimizing damage effects.

Calculation and Presentation of Results


Our Software provides for Computation of Individual in terms of Fatality Accident Rate (FAR), and societal Risks in Terms of FN-Curve and ISO-Risk in 8-Orientations and Acceptability of Risk as per ALARP Model of HSE-UK and shall be presented in tabular and Graphic forms on Google maps as required under Para-6 of your Guidelines.

Quantitative Environmental Risk  

Our Software provides for Offsite percent and Absolute Injury and Fatality numbers in 8 Orientations as required under Para-7 of your Guidelines.


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