HAMS-GPS Software Package is a professionally built Windows-based software and easy to use and is user-friendly. HAMS-GPS enables from advanced Training to Research-oriented HSE-Management Studies including Quantitative Risk Assessment - QRA, consequence analysis (including FAR, FN-Curve and ISO-Risk levels), Accident / incident management analysis, Toxic Gas / vapour, Atmospheric Dispersion modeling - Plume, Puff, Spill Pool evaporation, HAZOP Study software, Emergency Management Planning and Control, PROBIT computations, Percent and Absolute Fatality, Injury computations, Fire Modeling (Pool Fires, Jet Fires, Flashfire, Fireball) and Explosion Modeling ( BLEVE, Confined, Unconfined vapour cloud explosion (UVCE) underground explosion, Mechanical explosion, Dust Explosion, Explosion Prevention (Inerting, Safety Audits Static, Charge development), stack dispersion, Oil/Gas well blow out scenarios, Fire load calculation software, SWOT analysis, ASCLAP-Distribution, Safety manual review, QRA-review, Hydraulics, Industrial Work Hygiene index, DOW/MOND index, Fire & Explosion computations, Developing and Establishing an Integrated System on EMS & OHSMS under International Standards, on Personal Health and Fitness and more. A comprehensive software for Quantitative Risk Assessment Studies With Mapping of Hazard zones on your layout plan/Google maps. More... In all our Dispersion modeling we have very advanced algorithms to locate user defined concentration reached from the source from the time of release so no receptors or grid required. Our software can also take component/Mixture gases heavier than air like H2S, Chlorine etc..
Comprises of Expert EHS softwares: Toxic Gas, Air Dispersion modeling, Fire modeling, Explosion modeling, Stack dispersion, DOW/MOND-Index, Safety-Audit, ASCLAP, SMOD or Release module based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Risk Assessment, EMP Evaluation, Dispersion with PRTOBITs, Dust Dispersion and Settling, Accident Analysis, Fire Analysis, Limits curve, Absolute Fatality/Injury (Dispersions, Explosions and Fire-Balls), OHSMS- Evaluation against OHSAS-18001 (Database), House Keeping Evaluation, Unitcon (Unit conversion) and More..
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