HAMS-GPS  PSM / EHS  Management Softwares

LIST OF EHS softwares available

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PSM / EHS Software list

Advanced Consequence analysis / QRA Study software 

(Accidental release of hazardous chemicals)

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Advanced Dispersion with PROBITS   

(Accidental release of hazardous chemicals)

gas Dispersion Module

1. Watch Demo on YouTube  

2. Watch compute concentration at any given location on YouTube  

Plume, Puff, Spill Dispersions based on Gaussian dispersion calculations and modeling, with tabular and graphic display with 6-User defined Isopleths in XY-Slice at Y-Cross wind distance. Full 3-D “CAT-Scan” output possible with dispersion “Cake slicing in XY (Isopleth)  Graphs. Graphics are in colour as Custom colour, Default colour or BW. It is a complete CAT-Scan with Probits (PROBIT short for Probability Unit, is the percent Fatality and Injury due to exposure to any hazardous agent.). This Advanced Dispersion provides for Mass and volumes of various concentration zones and concentration zone shells of Plumes, Puffs and Spill pool evaporation dispersions.  

  1. Source or Release modeling based on computational fluid dynamics CFD  and scenario developer for Maximum Credible Loss Scenarios (MCLS) also called Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios (MCAS)

  2. Dispersion Graphs can be plotted to scale on Site Maps or plant layout in Graphics files.

  3. Concentration in ppm at distances clicked along with Hazard level  

Sample simulation output

Advanced Fire with PROBITS  

Pool Fire Module

Watch Demo on YouTube  

Pool fire, jet fire, fire ball, flash fire with PROBITs. Graphics are in colour

  1. Source or Release modeling based on computational fluid dynamics CFD and scenario developer for Maximum Credible Loss Scenarios (MCLS) also called Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios (MCAS)

  2. IHR (Intensity of Heat Radiation in Kw/m2) Graphs can be plotted to scale on Site Mapsor plant layout in Graphics files.  

Sample simulation output

Advanced Explosion with PROBITS 

  Explosion Module

Watch Demo on YouTube  

UVCE, BLEVE, Under ground explosions, mechanical explosions-cylindrical vessel, spherical vessel, Dust explosion with PROBITs. Graphics are in colour 


  1. Source or Release modeling based on computational fluid dynamics CFD and scenario developer for Maximum Credible Loss Scenarios (MCLS) also called Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios (MCAS)

  2. Explosion pressures in PSI can be plotted to scale on Site Maps or plant layout in Graphics files.

Sample simulation output

Advanced Risk Assessment software 

FN-Curve, ISO Risk, ALARP and RBI Matrix Module


Watch Demo on YouTube  

FAR, FN-Curves, ISO-Risk Curves, Individual Risk Curves, Risk levels. Graphics mapping are in colour  

  1. Graphs can be plotted to scale on Site Maps or plant layout in Graphics files.

Note: Advanced Risk Assessment software also requires Advanced dispersion, Fire, and Explosion with PROBITS software. 

Sample simulation output

PSM / EHS Software list

Description and features

(Softwares can be selected for licensing.)

HAZOP  (Advanced)

HAZOP Software with Risk Based Investigation (RBI)-Matrix conforming to European Safety Center’s Process Safety Review system and several Preset Design Intentions of most commonly used operations constituting the most advanced HAZOP Software. In addition HAZOP output gives Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of Safety Instrumentation System (SIS) and Levels Of Protection (LOP) of equipments.  


HAZOP sample report

Advanced Air dispersion modeling

(Stack ,Pit and Vehicular  Emissions/dispersion)


Dispersion of pollutants of products of combustion

Atmospheric dispersion module

sample report Stack Dispersion Module (EIA)

Advance Air, stack gas dispersion (Gaussian dispersion air modeling), fully conforming to “Assessment of Impact of Air Environment: Guidelines for Conducting Air Quality Modeling”, Programme Objective Series: PROBES/70/1997-98, The Program -[Options: any Time EIA. covers Stack Dispersions under Stability Class for data used and includes Stack Gases covered under Ambient air Quality Monitoring Standards Published in Gazette No-660 namely: SO2, CO2, NO2, CO, CH4, SPM<=10 mcr, SPM<=2.5 mcr, Pb, O3 with Standards under Industrial, Domestic and Sensitive locations.

Options to compute concentration reached at ground level from release point  Plume or Puff from:

1.        Stack (e.g. Height of release from 1 m to 100 m or more) 

2.        Pit (e.g. Height of release 1 m or more)

3.        Vehicular Pollution  (e.g. Height of release 1 m or more)

4.        User Entered quantity released  (e.g. Height of release 1 m or more)

i.          Graphs can be plotted to scale on Site Maps or Plant layout in Graphics  files.  


Advanced Dust dispersion and Settling Module  

Watch demo on YouTube

Advanced Dust Dispersion Module enables determination of dispersion and settling of dust of various particle sizes in Microns released instantly as Puff as in blasting in mining operations as well as continuous release of Plume from stack dust in the gases. The Module gives in Tabular and Graphic form the results of dispersion and settling during day and night under stability classes B for day and E for night conditions.

Graphs can be plotted to scale on Site Maps
both in Graphics and AutoCAD .dwg files. 

Fire Load Calculation software

Computes fire load. As per NFPA 557 Model  

The fire load of a facility, industrial entity, process plant or building, is the heat energy that could be released per square meter of floor area of a compartment, by the complete combustion of the contents of the unit area and any combustible parts of the unit.

Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/lKJS9v3kCxE  

PSM / EHS Software list

Description and features

(Softwares can be selected for licensing.)

Machinery Risk Assessment

Safety of machinery and Risk assessment

Safety of machinery and Risk assessment as per ISO/TR14121-2 Second edition 2012-06-01 accordance with ISO 12100:2010
Machinery risk assessment is to locate and identify hazards, estimate and evaluate risks that may be reduced as much as possible

Accident / incident management Analysis

View help file

Stores data of accidents / incident and Provides analysis of accidents and shows correlation between accident causation parameters and the nature, type, body part injuries, department, time, severity rate report and a range of other relations, Reports are available in Text and chart forms. In conformity with BIS standard IS: 3786-1983 and Factories Act requirements.  Accident analysis is an excellent tool for minimizing near misses, first aid injuries and man days lost injuries and in developing accident reports for statutory authorities and also maintain statutory accident records and with this a hard record of accident can be dispensed with,  

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Dispersion with PROBITS  

(Accidental release of hazardous chemicals)


Standard module

Plume, Puff, Spill Dispersions with tabular and graphic display with 5-User defined Isopleths in XY-Slice and Isoelevets in XZ-Plane at Y-Cross wind distance. Full 3-D “CAT-Scan” output possible with dispersion “Cake slicing in XY (Isopleth) and XZ (Isoelevet) Graphs. Graphics are in colour as Custom colour, Default colour or BW. It is a complete CAT-Scan with Probits (PROBIT short for Probability Unit, is the percent Fatality and Injury due to exposure to any hazardous agent.). This Advanced Dispersion provides for Mass and volumes of various concentration zones and concentration zone shells of Plumes, Puffs and Spill pool evaporation dispersions. Options for Conc. Conversion, computing: mol. Wt., IDLH-TWA & LEL-UEL of mixtures, LEL-UEL at any temperature, LC-50 of man from animal data, LC/RIC of mixtures, Weighted average, Temperature conversion and calculator.

Note: This module also requires SMOD.(Source/release modeling Fee not included)

Fire  module


Standard module

Pool fire,  jet fire, Flash fire, Fireball Coal heap fire with PROBITs. Graphics, protective shield for protection of Jet Fire impact on Equipments, Hot Body radiation,  Combustion Gases of any Combustible material. All Graphic Displays are in colour as Custom colour or Default colour or BW. Options for Density conversion and calculator.

 Note: This module also requires SMOD. (Source/release modeling Fee not included)

Explosion  module



Standard module

UCVE, Under Ground Explosions, Mechanical Explosions-Cylindrical Vessel, Spherical vessel, Pipe line ruptures, Inerting of flammable vapours, Vacuum purging, Pressure purging, Sweep purging, Static charge in Pipelines, Static charge on Persons, Dust explosion, Fire Balls with PROBITs, Ignition/No-Ignition and Explosion Chances onsite, offsite, TNT-Equivalent and Heat of Combustion of Dusts, Energy per Mass in different units, Explosion mass of Plumes, Puffs and Spill Pool Evaporations,  All Graphic Displays are in colour as Custom colour or Default colour or BW. Options for TNT-Equivalent, Weight conversion and Calculator.

pipelines, static charge on persons, Dust explosion, Fire Balls with PROBITs. Graphics are in colour as Custom colour or Default colour or BW. Options for TNT-Equivalent, Weight conversion and Calculator.

 Note: This module also requires SMOD. (Source/release modeling Fee not included)

DOW / MOND-Index

This Module covers both DOW and MOND Indexing Software. These constitute a system of indexing the Fire & Explosion and Toxicity levels   so as to categorize plant sections in to different Levels of Hazard Zones involving Fire & Explosion and Toxicity hazards. These software make use of Operational, Storage Quantities and Parameters like Temperature, Pressure etc.  and the Hazardous Properties on Fire/Explosion and Toxicity of the individual Chemicals handled and provides for Penalties for each Parameter of Operation/Storage and Handling of the Chemicals. The Penalties are grouped in to General Process Hazards (GPH), Special Process Hazards (SPH) etc. These Penalties are then Reduced to a Standard Index for comparing the relative levels of Hazards of different sections of Plants. The DOW and MOND Fire and Explosion and Toxicity Index computations provide a very useful step in Hazard Identification Technique. HAMSAGARS software also provide for a Comparison of Both Indices.

SWOT analysis

( MS Access )  

SWOT short for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is a well-known Top management strategy building technique that has been widely used in marketing, administration and production. This technique is applied for the first time in EHS Management very successfully and widely tested and results applied with excellent effects. The SWOT programme has built in parameters of EHS-Excellence and rating controls. The output is quantitative rating with MIS-Reports for EHS-Strategy building


International Standard Scale Safety Performance Rating (ISSPR) based on the model developed by the Chemical Industries' Association UK. Six-Sigma Accident Prevention. on the model developed by the Chemical Industries' Association UK.

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

(Stack gas Emissions dispersion)

(Dispersion of pollutants of products of combustion )  

Standard module

Environmental Impact Assessment (Gaussian dispersion air modeling) fully conforming to “Assessment of Impact of Air Environment: Guidelines for Conducting Air Quality Modeling”, Programme Objective Series: PROBES/70/1997-98. The Program has 2-[Options: 1. Hourly EIA and 2. Long Time EIA. The Hourly EIA covers Stack Dispersions under Stability Class for data used and includes 11-Stack Gases covered under Ambient air Quality Monitoring Standards Published in Gazette No-660  SO2, CO2, NO2, CO, CH4, SPM<10 mcr, SPM<2.5 mcr, Pb, O3 with Standards under Industrial, Domestic and Sensitive locations.  And Indian and World Capital city data ready for use.  The Long Time EIA option is for 8, 16,24 Hourly and Annual EIA. Options for Temperature conversion and Calculator. 

High Way Pollution. Enables computation of High way Pollution based on Number of 2-Wheelers, 3-Wheelers, 4-Wheelers, 6-Wheelers passing through at a given stretch of a High Way.


(Source or Release Module)

Source Module: Is Based on computational fluid dynamics CFD -Liquid flow through a hole in a tank, Liquid flow through a hole under constant pressure, Liquid flow through a pipe, Vapour/gas flow through hole, Vapour/gas flow through a pipe, Flashing liquids stored above atmospheric B.Pt., pool evaporation by substrate heat conduction and wind, Tank dimensions, Dyke dimensions, LPG-bund computations. Options for converting Density, mass, force, latent heat, specific heat, pressure, temperature, computing vapour density, vol. Of vapour from P1T1 to P2 T, and Calculator.

Risk Assessment  

Standard module

FAR, FN-Curve, ISO-Risk, Individual Risk computations. Graphics are in colour as Custom colour or Default colour or BW.

Note: This module also requires SMOD, dispersion with PROBITS module, Fire module, and Explosion module. (Fee not included)

EMP Evaluation

Evaluates the existing EMP (Emergency Management Plan) in a quantified way showing the deficiencies of the EMP and improvements required. A computer-generated report is also provided.

Fire incident Analysis

( MS Access )  

For analysis of fire incidents to show the pattern of accidents through charts and tables. Total of 34-Reports.

Limits curve

Limits Module gives the maximum concentrations at height of simulation for Plume, Puff and Spill dispersions for all the stability classes A, AB, B,BC,C,CD,D,DE,E,EF and F, and the distances for any Isopleth concentration specified by the user in tabular and graphic form again for all the stability classes. The Limits out puts of Max. Concentrations in ppm and the distances for user defined is ppm concentration for all the stability classes, is very useful in Emergency Planning, Preparedness, Mock Drills and Training.

Absolute Fatality/Injury (Dispersions, Explosions and Fire-Balls)

Provide Percent Fatality/Injury and Absolute Fatality/Injury sector wise for Plume, Puff, Spill dispersions, Explosions and Fire-Ball scenarios.

OHSMS Evaluation   

( MS Access )  

Evaluates the existing Occupational Health and safety Management System (OHSMS) against the globally acceptable OHSAS-18001 standard.

House Keeping Evaluation

This module enables evaluation of the House Keeping system against the Japanese 5-Star House Keeping Evaluation system.

Scenario developer


This module enables development of Maximum Credible Loss Scenarios (MCLS) also called Maximum Credible Accident Scenarios (MCAS) for QRA Study conforming to International guidelines under World bank Technical Ppers-55. This module provides for over 200 Chemicals and select parameters for Scenario development with options for user defined chemicals and parameter selections.

Unit Conversion

A Unit Conversion Software with 55-units conversion from one type to the other plus vapour density computation, Concentration conversion, LEL-UEL of Mixtures of flammable vapours, TNT-Equivalent, Degree- Radians conversion, Temperature conversion, LEL-UEL vs. Temperature, Reinhold Number, Temperature conversion, Safe Oxygen Level.

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PSM / EHS Software list

Description and features

(Softwares can be selected for licensing.)


The BLEVE module is very advanced HAMS-GPS Software that provides for BLEVE, Fire Ball and Flash Fire with Frequency computation Event Tree, Graphics in colour, The BLEVE Module has library of 15-Flammable chemicals including some Compressed Liquefied gases like LPG, Propane etc. The Module has built in options for BLEVE at storage pressure (for Compressed Liquefied Gases) and at user defined temperatures. Options for Cylindrical and spherical vessels are there. It has also a built in library of 6-MOC of storage vessels.


Atmospheric Stability Class Percent Prevalence with 28-city meteorological database, Single stability class and computation of ASCLAP percent distribution month wise over the year.

Well Blow out

The Well Blow out module is one of the most complex and advanced software the computes the Oil/Gas well blowout scenarios and consequent fires, explosions and their effects. For oil well blow outs onshore and offshore situations, the module computes the oil spread on shore and oil sleek spread on sea taking the wave and wind parameters.

Medical Records Analysis

( MS Access )  

HAMS-GPS Medical Records Analysis Module is an advanced MS-Access:based Data Base module that enables creation of a comprehensive Data Base of Medical Records of employees, their hospitalization and out-patient treatment and undertake a rigorous analysis to generate a wide ranging MIS-Reports for management review of the health status of employees and plan specific and general strategy for control of both Occupational Health issues and also general health issues of employees and their family members. The software offers special features like Cardiac Risk level and stress level computations. The software provides reports in Tabular, Bar chart and Pi-Chart

Safety manual review

  ( MS Access )

Safety Manual Review is based on comparison of the existing Safety manual with an ideal one. It generates a quantitative evaluation and a MIS report for improvements.


( MS Access )  

The QRA Review enables review of a QRA Study in comparison with world class QRA study and gives quantified evaluation report and MIS report for improvements. It is very useful to decide on the shortcomings of any QRA study.

EMS- Review

( MS Access )  

Evaluates the existing Environment Management System (EMS) against the globally acceptable ISO-14001 standard.


The Hydraulics Module gives dispersion and Aerobic and Anaerobic degradations of organics in water sources including Lakes and Streams

Industrial Work Hygiene index

( MS Access )  


Industrial Work Hygiene index

Hygiene Index module measures the level of effect of an individual or group of persons doing the same work under same work conditions. Every kind of stress (Physical and/or Mental) work affects the health of the person doing the work at a given time. Conforms to ILO's "Stress-Relaxation" Model  

sample report  Industrial Work Hygiene index

Fire Protection

Enables computation of Fire Water and Foam requirements as per OISD-116 and 117 and also as per TAC Rules and Factories’ Act and Rules. The areas covered include: Floating Roof Tank area, Fixed Roof Tank area, LPG-Sphere area, LPG-Bullet area, LPG-Rail gantry, LPG-Road Tanker gantry, other Flammable Rail gantry and Road Tanker gantry, Auto Foam flooding requirements for Floating Roof tanks.

ALARP Comparison

ALARP is short for “At Least as Low as Reasonably Practical” and is designed by Health and Safety Executive of UK. To rank the FAR level. HAMS-GPS ALARP software enables developing ALARP Diagramme in color Graphics and tabular form in a FAR Scale from 0-99 and shows the hazard levels of Total FAR and four top level Scenario FARs.

Logic Diagramme

Fault tree and Event tree development


Frequency modeling for tank and pipeline failures

Risk Based Inspection (RBI)-Matrix)

This is a Safety Performance Measurement (SPM) software conforming to European Process Safety Center’s SPM System and is valuable in advanced Safety Audits and Process Safety Reviews.


PROBIT short for Probability Unit is the percent Fatality and Injury due to exposure to any hazardous agent. HAMS-GPS software provide for PROBITS for all the Hazard agent consequence simulation software. These PROBITS are part of the simulation software FIRE and EXPLOSION

Noise Pollution Provides for determining Road Traffic Noise Pollution  Hourly and annual and Noise addition (Note Noise addition from 2 or more Sources is complex and cannot add directly). Also provides Noise Theory.


Package means multiple softwares programs that work together and is NOT a packaged softwaree

Offer for single user ( Means One PC ) for every additional User (Means additional PC) 

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  • No return, no refund and No clubbing of offers of HAMS-GPS EHS Software package/ fee once licensed.

  • All Offers valid for 90 days from the date sent. 

  • Licensing fees and terms are subject to change without prior notice.

  • Updates if any will be free for all active users.