Download HAMS-GPS  QRA, HAZOP, Air dispersion, Machine risk and PSM/EHS  Management Software

LIST OF EHS softwares available

EHS-E-reading Modules

Software Licensing Terms

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Subscription offer and payment gateway

Installation procedure on YouTube 

Alternate download from our server

Download or view full demo videos HD quality

For a free 60 minutes online presentation or training of our software using the screen-sharing application, please email for a date and time.

If Microsoft Defender or Antivirus quarantines our Installer file. you can restore it.

  1. Open Windows Security.

  2.  Select Virus & threat protection and then click Protection history.

  3.  In the list of all recent items, filter on Quarantined Items.

  4.  Select an item you want to keep, and take an action, such as restore.

  5. Anti-Virus trust and Allowing HAMS-GPS applications to run through the Firewall are required for installed files and folder to run our software. 

Download from our Dropbox






Download Full Demo HAMS-GPS PSM/EHS software (File size 140 mb)


HAMS-GPS Software will run on minimum: - 2.93 GHz speed or above, OS - Windows 8, 8.1,10. 11 Internet Explorer 5 or later,  250 MB free hard disc space, MS Office installed and activated, display setting - 1366 x 768 resolution, True color. Runs on 64bit computers. Active Internet connection required

Installation procedure on YouTube

Download full Demo  (140 MB)

Installation Procedure must be followed as below


Download zipped file

The licensed copy will install only on the PCs/Laptops where a full demo copy(Sr.No.1) is already installed and evaluated for all the software you wish to get a licensed copy of, the same should be confirmed by email.

Subscription offer and payment gateway


Dispersion (DEMO-Standard module)
Explosion (DEMO-Standard module)
Fire (DEMO-Standard module)
Unit conversion (Working)
Pool Area Calculator (Working)

Download free Demo  (26 MB)


HAMSAGARS on-line  E-Reading application DEMO. You can read first 15 pages of 21 topics listed for reading.

Download free DEMO (3.7 MB) 

1. THE BRAIN TEASER Game - mind boggling game.

Download free Demo (4 MB)



Math game series - 1  find the missing two numbers from a set of 3 X 3 = 9 numbers, game has 3 levels

Download  freeware (3.6 MB)

Free to use


Payment options


1.Links as above to send payments through PayPal.

2. Direct payment to our bank account by Net banking / e payment , Our bank details shall be sent on request


Very Important:    Administrator rights and Anti-Virus trust is required for HAMS-GPS installed files and folder to run our software 

If an Antivirus application installed on your PC deletes or Quarantines our installed files/folders then select the files/folder, from the your Antivirus application Restore and trust to recover the files and skip scaning installed folder and all sub-folder and files.


HAMS-GPS Installation Procedure must be followed


Step 1. You must download DEMO COPY first 

Download HAMS-GPS Full DEMO Install demo and Microsoft access component setup 

(MS Office or later must be installed on this PC and activated).

(Licensed copy will install only on the PC/Laptops where full demo copy is already installed and evaluated all the softwares you wish to get licensed)

Step 2 Important : must Run “HAMS-GPS EHS Software” program as administrator. 

Right-button click on hams_gps_DEMO.exe* where file has downloaded ->Select Properties -> select Compatibility Tab>Change settings for all users > under Settings [Run this program as Administrator]>click  checked->Click [Apply] and Click [OK] button

*In case you have downloaded other application from above links then Right-button click on that application

Double click hams_gps_DEMO.exe where you downloaded this file to install demo copy copy and MS Access component setup after installation follow step 2a


Step 2a  Important: Right-button click on HAMS-GPS EHS Software* icon on your desktop where file has downloaded ->Select Properties -> select Compatibility Tab>Change settings for all users > under Settings [Run this program as Administrator]>click  checked->Click [Apply] and Click [OK] button


Important:  Must install “Microsoft access component setup”.  go to startup->All Programs->HAMS-GPS EHS software ->Right-button click on Microsoft access component setup (For MS office 32bit) or Microsoft Access Component Setup (For MS office 64bit)- and run "Microsoft access component setup”

Alternatively, you can run  "Microsoft access component setup” from HAMS-GPS startup menu "Help and more..." tab on the right-hand side top corner.

Home Page 

Our Softwares and computers are scanned by updated  Antivirus