HAMS-GPS EHS/PSM online training on software use Download Quantitative Risk Assessment Software (QRA), HAZOP, EIA Study Software, EHS Management Softwares... |
LIST OF EHS softwares | HOME PAGE | ||||
Software (Advanced)
QRA modeling software (Consequence risk analysis) |
Air dispersion modeling software (Air, gas, Stack gas dispersion modeling software) |
1. Download free Demos (From Dropbox) 2. Download free Demos (From Google Drive) |
Download or view full training demo videos HD quality Google Chrome browser required
1. QRA modeling softwares and other |
![]() |
6. Recalculating rate of release
2. HAZOP study software |
3. Air, gas, Stack gas dispersion modeling software |
4. Advanced
Dust dispersion and Settling Modeling
software |
5. Safety of Machinery and Risk Assessment |
6. Incident / Accident analysis software | 7. Fire Load calculation software |
Installation procedure on YouTube |
Backing up your study files | |
Advantages of online training using videos